Link Price Calculator

Enter up to 100 URLs (Each URL must be on separate line)

About Link Price Calculator

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Link Price Calculator will help you to find out the estimated price that should be charged or paid for a particular domain. Just enter the URL and click on 'Calculate Link Price' button.

Link price Calculator tool helps you to determine the approximate amount you should be paying per month for a text link (ad) on the specified URL. It is a tool to inform you about many times a link is visted daily, and yearly. Link Price calculator tool is among the most useful search engine optimization tool. You can use it to get a price estimate of a particular URL fast. It is so beneficial for the website owners and advertisers. Link Price Calculator will help you to find out the estimated price that should be charged or paid for a particular domain. Just enter the URL and click on 'Calculate Link Price' button. We are providing these premium SEO Friendly Tools for FREE. Some Tools will also require you to sign in, which is completely FREE.